Nifty Nature Walk
Preschool went on a wondrous nature walk, looking for all the different plants & creatures we could find! We saw lots of moss & enjoyed...
We Love Stories!
It’s fair to say 123s have taken this month’s theme & run with it! Our favourite stories have inspired some fantastic activities. From...
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Our Under 2s took a leaf out of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’s’ book & have been tasting lots of delicious new foods! Inspired by the...
The Snail & the Whale
Inspired by our current learning theme of ‘stories’, 123s chose one of their favourites to focus on this week: The Snail & the Whale. We...
World Book Day 2022
For World Book Day, everyone dressed as their favourite character & brought in the book they were from, which we then read together. At...
Flippin’ Fun!
Obviously we couldn’t let Pancake Day pass us by without celebrating one of our favourite treats! We talked about & tasted a variety of...
Volatile Volcanoes
Inspire by our current country of the month, Iceland, Preschool enjoyed creating a volcano that really erupted! Firstly, we talked all...
Big Blue Bus!
Our Under 2s have been busy junk modelling a big blue bus! We practised mixing colours & explored making different marks with our...
Space Adventure
Inspired by our current learning theme of transport, Under 2s have been focussing on air transport. We talked about what you might see in...
Question of Transport
On our way to the Salvation Army to drop off a food donation, Preschool discussed all the different methods of transport we could see. We...