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Opening hours

08:00 to 18:00 80 Wimborne Road BH3 7AS

07:30 to 18:00 75 Lansdowne Road BH1 1RW

Payment Bank Account details


Bournemouth Day Nursery

Bank of Scotland 12-24-81

Account 00890492


Registered Providers


Appointed Managers




Peter & Natalie Ward


Anne-Marie English 


Wendy Hewitt



When your child is sick please don't come to nursery. We can give medicine for minor, non-contagious ailments but we cannot offer one to one care. 


From time to time, children have accidents or incidents which can cause pain or distress. When this happens you will receive a report when you collect, which we record.


For sudden illness at nursery including COVID-19 or scarlet fever symptoms or if an accident is more serious, we will contact you to let you know what is happening. You might be asked to collect your child at short notice.


Babies from around 3 months

Pre-School & Reception children to age 5.

Lansdowne Road 01202-295737


Wimborne Road 01202-533911


Bursar's Office 01202-533911



Lansdowne Road EY340754

Wimborne Road EY408185

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© 2023 Bournemouth Day Nursery

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