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Big Butterfly Count

We have been taking part in the Big Butterfly Count & have been on some wonderful walks looking for them! 123s headed to Meyrick Park & after a quick picnic snack, went on the hunt. We used our checklists & looked in all the spots butterflies like to be; long grasses, bushes & trees & we managed to spot what we think was a Gatekeeper butterfly!

Preschool made some binoculars, which they kindly shared with 123s & walked around our local area. We looked at many different things that can be found in our environment, such as leaves, pinecones & other insects besides butterflies & of course we found time to talk about our road safety. Whilst looking into some of the beautiful gardens we could see, we bumped into one of our neighbours who kindly told us all about the different flowers in her garden & all the different animals & insects that call it home.

When we got back to nursery, we decided to look around our garden & using our trusty binoculars, we managed to spot two more beautiful butterflies, which we added to our count!


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