Garden Glow Up
At Talbot Woods, we want to give our garden a little refresh & some TLC, so Preschool went looking for some inspiration! We decided to walk down to Waitrose to look at their lovely plant selection. On the way, we looked at people’s gardens & discussed which plants & flowers we liked & what sort of colours we’d like to incorporate into our garden.
When we got to Waitrose, we practised our ICT skills by taking our own photos on our tablets of the plants we liked. We also went into the shop & looked at the beautiful bouquets & delicious herbs. On the way back to nursery, we talked about our own gardens at home & decided it might be nice to make a display of photos of our home gardens in our nursery garden!
So parents, if you are able to bring in or email any photos of your garden at home, we would be extremely grateful! Thank you!