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Mess is Best!

In honour of Shrove Tuesday, our Under 2s class enjoyed some pancake-themed messy play & crafts. We filled our trays with flour, brown sugar & sprinkles & even practised using the tap to add some water, creating a fantastic sticky mess! We practised making different marks in the mixture, explored the textures of the ingredients & identified their different colours.

After cleaning up, we decided to make some Pancake artwork on circular paper. We used cooking utensils you might use when making pancakes to mix different colours & make a variety of marks & shapes on our pictures.

Later on, we had a big scavenger hunt. The practitioners hid different pancake-themed objects in amongst our soft play for us to find. We walked & climbed & crawled to find all the objects. They also brought us in some pancakes to look at & talked about their shape, taste & ingredients.


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