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Red Nose Day

Last week we were cooking up a storm here at Bournemouth Day Nursery. As part of their home learning, Lansdowne Road’s Foundation class created their own recipes, which they then cooked at nursery - with delicious results! They made Evie's 'Mr Wolf's Berry Pancakes’, Everly's ‘Harry and the Dinosaur’s Australian Anzac Biscuits' & Theo brought in his ‘Cheeky Monkey Puzzle Banana Bread'.

Whilst preparing their bakes, they discussed their ingredients & where they come from, as well as kitchen safety & how to use cooking equipment properly. Pre-School also made some cakes to sell in aid of Red Nose Day & everyone dressed as their favourite Super Hero for the day!

At Talbot Woods, the Under 2s made yummy jam tarts. They practised using different utensils like rolling pins & pastry cutters to make different shapes with their dough. They also used spoons to spread the jam in the centre of their tarts & enjoyed tasting them when they were cooked.

Talbot Woods’ 123s class used the Red Nose Day theme of woodland creatures to make animal masks. Then they played with a messy tray containing woodland animal toys, which led to a spirited discussion about animal noises & which animals you might see in the woods. 123s also made carrot cake, discussed their ingredients & ended the afternoon with a ladybird counting song.

Talbot Woods’ Pre-School class made some Red Nose Day themed cupcakes with white icing & a red cherry ‘nose’. Pre-School also made woodland animal masks to reflect this year’s Red Nose Day theme & later shared their favourite jokes to end the day with some real ‘Comic Relief’.


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